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9-1 Nordic Objects
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9-1 Nordic Objects
95 minuter av jonglering. Inga instruktioner, inget prat utan bara jonglering när den är som bäst till fantastisk musik. Dessutom hittar du diverse bonus material på DVDn. Titta och njut av något av de bästa och mest nyskapande inom The Nordic way of Juggling.
The 9-1 Nordic Objects DVD!
The film is 95 minutes long with pure juggling, no instructions, no speaking, but really great music!! It also includes 15 minutes of extra material such as bonus routines, gallery and trailer.
So you have 1 hour and 50 minutes to play with in total!!!
The film shows the personal styles of Nordic European Juggling with nice routines, object manipulation and last but not least some heavy technical juggling. There is simply something for everyone in this DVD..